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Exclusive Invitation to Propeller Club Port of Istanbul Monthly Luncheon with Prof. Dr. Ali Nesin

28 March @ 12:00 pm - 2:30 pm

Dear Members,
We are delighted to extend an exclusive invitation to join us at the Propeller Club Port of Istanbul’s esteemed monthly luncheon. This month, we have the honor of welcoming the illustrious Prof. Dr. Ali Nesin, who will share his profound insights on “The Philosophy of Mathematics,” shedding light on the deeper implications and the foundational questions that mathematical concepts evoke.
Prof. Dr. Ali Nesin, a paragon in both mathematics and education, is celebrated for his pioneering efforts to demystify the most intricate mathematical ideas. As the founder of the Nesin Mathematics Village, he has imparted his life’s work to cultivating an appreciation for mathematics, guiding students and aficionados to probe the philosophical aspects that underpin mathematical thought.
This distinguished gathering is scheduled for Thursday, March 28th, at the Grand Hyatt Hotel. It promises to be an extraordinary chance to network and engage in profound dialogues on the philosophical undercurrents that drive mathematical innovation and inquiry.
As a luminary and advocate for accessible education, Professor Nesin’s contribution transcends teaching, reaching into the realm of philosophical inquiry. His dedication to the Nesin Mathematics Village and beyond has touched many lives through a pedagogical philosophy that champions critical thinking and a quest for fundamental understanding. The upcoming discussion will not only highlight the critical role of philosophy in mathematics but will also inspire and inform our approaches to complex problem-solving in various fields.
In line with our tradition of inclusivity and support for burgeoning scholars, we encourage you to invite dedicated students, particularly those benefiting from educational programs, to join us as your guests. In collaboration with the Association of Türk Üniversiteli Kadınlar Derneği, we are prepared to support the participation of a meritorious female student, providing her with an expansive educational opportunity.

Agenda: • 12:00 PM:
Networking • 12:30 PM:
Luncheon • 14:30 PM: Closing Remarks
Event Details: • Venue: Grand Hyatt Hotel • Participation Fee: 1200 TL per person
RSVP: Please confirm your attendance with the club’s secretariat by the latest March 25, 2024
Photography Consent: Attendance implies consent to be photographed, with images potentially used as per the Personal Data Protection Law (KVKK).
Do not forgo this chance to converse with Prof. Dr. Ali Nesin and delve into the intriguing world of mathematical philosophy. Please respond promptly to confirm your presence. We eagerly await hosting you for an afternoon of stimulating conversation, networking, and exquisite cuisine.

Warm regards,
Yaprak Özer President 2023-2025
Propeller Club Port of Istanbul

Ali Nesin’s CV
October 19,2022

Name, Surname : Hüseyin Ali Nesin
Place, Date of Birth : Istanbul, 1957
Citizenship : Turkish
Languages : Turkish, French, English and some Italian
Current Address : Nesin Vakfı, PK 5 Çatalca Istanbul Turkey
Telephone : 0212 311 54 23
E-Mail : anesin@bilgi.edu.tr and anesin@nesinvakfi.org
Web Site : www.alinesin.org

1967-1973. Collège Saint Joseph (Junior high school)
1973-1977. Collège Champittet, Lausanne – Switzerland (high school)
1977-1981. Université Paris 7 (Jussieu), Mathematics (Maitrise)
1981-1985. Yale University, New Haven USA, PhD in Mathematics (“Groups of Finite Morley Rank, model theory and algebra)

Academic Career
1982-1985. Yale University, Research Assistant
1985-1986. University of California at Berkeley, Instructor
1987-1988. Notre Dame University, Visiting Assistant Professor
1988-1991. University of California at Irvine, Assistant Professor
1989. Mathematical Sciences Research Institute, Berkeley, Visitor
1991-1996. University of California at Irvine, Associate Professor
1993-1994. Bilkent University, Visiting Professor
1996. University of California at Irvine, Professor
1996-2022. Istanbul Bilgi University, Professor, chair of Mathematics Department (http://www.bilgi.edu.tr/en/)
2001-2002. Univ. of Lyon I, Mathematics Department, Visitor
2007-today. Instructor at Nesin Math Village
2022-today. Istinye University, Professor, chair of Mathematics Department

Research Area: Logic (Model Theory) and Algebra (Group Theory)

Social and Civic Life
2018-today. Chair of Mathematics Department of Istanbul Bilgi University (http://www.bilgi.edu.tr/en/)
1995-today. Director of the Nesin Foundation. (www.nesinvakfi.org)
1996-2013. Chair of Mathematics Department of Istanbul Bilgi University (http://www.bilgi.edu.tr/en/)
2003-2013. Editor-in-chief of Matematik Dünyası (The World of Mathematics), a semi-popular trimestrual mathematics journal in Turkish. (www.matematikdunyasi.org)
2005-today. Executive and the founder of the Nesin Publishing House. (www.nesinyayinevi.com)
2006-2013. Director of the Corporation of the Turkish Mathematical Society
2007 -2009. Member of the Administrative Committee of the Turkish Mathematical Society (http://www.tmd.org/)
2007. Founder of the Nesin Mathematics Village (www.matematikkoyu.org) at Sirince
2009-2016. One of the editors of the Turkish Journal of Mathematics. (http://journals.tubitak.gov.tr/math/)
2010. One of the editors of NTV-Bilim, a popular science journal.
2011-2015. Member of the advisory board of the Hrant Dink Foundation (http://www.hrantdink.org/)
2013-today. Member of the Independent Association of Academy of Sciences (http://bilimakademisi.org/independent-science-academy-turkey)
2016-today. Founding member of Sirince Archaeological Association

Honours, Awards, Scholarships
1981-1985. Yale University, scholarship and teaching and research assistantship
1988-1990. National Science Foundation (NSF) Grant.
1992-1995. National Science Foundation (NSF) Grant.
1995-1997. National Science Foundation (NSF) Grant.
2010, 14 October. “Fark Yaratanlar” (Difference Makers) Sabancı Vakfı.
2010. Six sets of lecture notes (Sayıların İnşası – Construction of Number Systems I and II, Aksiyomatik Kümeler Kuramı – Axiomatic set Theory I-II, Temel Analiz – Foundational Analysis I ve II) are accepted as “open source material” by TÜBA, the Turkish Academy of Sciences. (http://www.acikders.org.tr/course/view.php?id=25)
2011. The monograph Sezgisel Kümeler Kuramı (Intuitive Set Theory) won the first prize of TÜBA (the Turkish Academy of Sciences) among natural science books (shared with two others, http://www.tuba.gov.tr/tr/haberler/tuba-dan-haberler/kurumdan-haberler/1535-telif-oeduelue-2011.html)
2011. The monograph Sayma (Counting) won the mention prize of TÜBA (Turkish Academy of Sciences) among natural science books (shared with two others, http://www.tuba.gov.tr/tr/haberler/tuba-dan-haberler/kurumdan-haberler/1535-telif-oeduelue-2011.html)
2011, 25 Oct. “Bahattin Tatış Yarınlarda Var Olmak”, prize for contribution to the education of mathematics.
2012. The monograph Analysis IV (Topology) won the TÜBA (Turkish Academy of Sciences) University Textbooks Award among the natural science books.
2013. Bostancı Rotary Prize (Meslek Ödülü).
2014. Suadiye Rotary Prize (Meslek Ödülü).
2014. Vehbi Koç Prize in education, http://www.vehbikocodulu.com/
2018. Leelavati Prize IMU, International Mathematical Union), https://www.mathunion.org/imu-awards/leelavati-prize/leelavati-prize-2018
2021. İzmir Rotary Prize (International Rotary Federation of the 2440 Region, Meslek Ödülü).
2021. Uluslararası 2440. Bölge Rotaract Temsilciliği 12. Meslek Hizmetleri Ödülü. “Örnek Bilim İnsanı Ödülü”.
2021. Chosen “Jubilee Professor” by the Indian Academy of Sciences.

PhD Students
1993. Mark DeBonis
1993. Mark Davis
1996. Franz Delahan
2010. Meltem Özgül

Undergraduate Students with a PhD degree
Salih Azgın (Durhan) (2007, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
Ayhan Günaydın (2008, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
Haluk Şengün (2008, U of Wisconsin-Madison)
Sonat Süer (2008, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
Seyfi Türkelli (2009, U of Wisconsin-Madison)
Burçin Eröcal (2011, RISC, Linz-Austria)
Çiğdem Özarı (2011, Kadir Has U., banking and finances)
Doğan Bilge (2012, Lyon U.)
Özgür Evren (2012, CUNY)
Özgür Deniz (2013, Sabancı Ü.)
Haydar Göral (2015, Lyon U.)
Gabriela Aslı Nesin (2015, U. of Leicester)
Şermin Çam (2017, Boğaziçi Ü.)
Papatya Duman (2018, İstanbul Bilgi U., economics)
Türkü Özlüm Çelik (2018, Rennes I, IRMAR)
Kutay Cingiz (2018, Maastricht)
Şafak Özden (2019, Tulane U.)
Şükrü Uğur Efem (2019, Oxford U.)
Burçin Güneş (2019, Sabancı Ü.)
Derya Çıray (2019, U. of Konstantz)
Uğur Doğan (Humboldt U. of Berlin)
Fırat Yaşar (2020, Strasbourg U., IRMA)
Özge Ülkem (2020, Heiderberg U.)

Undergraduate Students on their way to PhD
Ahmet Nedim Narman (Yeditepe Ü.)
Doğa Güçtenkorkmaz
Ayçin İplikçi (Ohio State U.)
Zeynep Kısakürek (HHU Düsseldorf)
Melike Efe (Sabancı Ü.)
Halime Ömrüuzun (Sabancı Ü.)
Irmak Balçık (Southern California U.)
Tuğba Yesin (Sabancı Ü.)

Undergraduate Students on their way to MS
Burcu Barsakçı (Sabancı Ü.)
Tuğçe Ulutaş (Sabancı Ü.)
Ezgi Öztekin (Koç Ü.)

Academic Books and Monographs in English
[1] Groups of finite Morley rank, Ph.D. Thesis, Yale University 1985.
[2] (Coeditor with A. Pillay) Model Theory of Groups, Proc. of the Notre Dame Logic Year, Notre Dame Math. Lectures (1989).
[3] (with A.V. Borovik) Groups of Finite Morley Rank, Oxford University Press. 430 pages, (1994).

Undergraduate and Graduate Level Mathematics Books in Turkish
[1] Analiz I (axioms of real numbers, sequences and series), Nesin Publishing House 2011 Oct. Several printings since then.
[2] Analiz IV (topology), Publishing House 2011 December. Several printings since then.
[3] Temel Grup Teorisi (basic group theory), Nesin Yayınevi 2014.
[4] Analiz II (continuity), Nesin Publishing House 2011 Oct. Several printings since then.

Semiacademic Books on Mathematics for Beginners (High schoolers and up)
[1] Matematiğe Giriş I : Önermeler Mantığı (Introduction to Mathematics I : Propositional Logic), in Turkish. At Nesin Yayıncılık June 1994 and 1995, İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları October 2001 and April 2004, Nesin Yayıncılık March 2009.
[2] Matematiğe Giriş II : Sezgisel Kümeler Kuramı (Introduction to Mathematics II : Naive Set Theory), in Turkish, Nesin Yayıncılık 2008. Won the best price of TÜBA (the Turkish Academy of Sciences) among natural science books (shared with two others, http://www.tuba.gov.tr/tr/haberler/tuba-dan-haberler/kurumdan-haberler/1535-telif-oeduelue-2011.html)
[3] Matematiğe Giriş III : Sayma (Introduction to Mathematics III : Counting), in Turkish, Nesin Yayıncılık, March 2009. Won the mention price of TÜBA (the Turkish Academy of Sciences) among natural science books (shared with two others, http://www.tuba.gov.tr/tr/haberler/tuba-dan-haberler/kurumdan-haberler/1535-telif-oeduelue-2011.html)

Lecture Notes
[1] Set Theory, unpublished and incomplete, 170 pages, at:


[2] Algebra, unpublished and incomplete, 176 pages, at:


[3] Analysis, unpublished and incomplete, 193 pages, at:


[4] Sayıların İnşası I ve II (Construction of Number Systems I and II), lecture notes for two semesters, 478 pages: Accepted by TÜBA (Turkish Academy of Sciences) 2010. At http://www.acikders.org.tr/course/view.php?id=24 and http://www.acikders.org.tr/course/view.php?id=27.
[5] Aksiyomatik Kümeler Kuramı I ve II (Axiomatic Set Theory I and II), lecture notes for two semesters, 374 pages: Accepted by TÜBA (Turkish Academy of Sciences) 2010. At http://www.acikders.org.tr/course/view.php?id=25 and http://www.acikders.org.tr/course/view.php?id=26.
[6] Analiz I ve II (Analysis), lecture notes for two semesters, 710 pages: Accepted by TÜBA (Turkish Academy of Sciences) 2010. At http://www.acikders.org.tr/course/view.php?id=22 and http://www.acikders.org.tr/course/view.php?id=23 or at http://matematikkoyu.org/e-kutuphane/ders-notlari/analiz_1.pdf
[8] Cebir I – Grup Teorisi (Algebra I – Group Theory), http://matematikkoyu.org/e-kutuphane/ders-notlari/cebir.pdf
[9] Popular math articles: http://matematikkoyu.org/e-kutuphane/populer.php

Mathematical Books for High School Students
[1] Kümeler Kuramı 1 (Set Theory 1), Nesin Publishing House, September 2017.
[2] Doğal Sayılar Yapısı (Structure of Natural Numbers), Nesin Publishing House, October 2017.
[3] Tamsayılar Yapısı (Structure of Integers), Nesin Publishing House, October 2017.

Popular Mathematical Books
[1] Matematik ve Korku (Mathematics and Fear), at Amaç Yayıncılık August 1989, at Düşün Yayıncılık 1994 and 1995, Istanbul Bilgi University June 2001, May 2002 and May 2003, at Nesin Publishing House November 2008.
[2] Matematik ve Oyun (Mathematics and Games), at Düşün Publishing House 1994, 1995, at Publications of Istanbul Bilgi University June 2001, May 2002, April 2004 and at Nesin Publishing House October 2007, March 2009.
[3] Matematik ve Doğa (Mathematics and Nature), at Düşün Publishing House 1995. at Istanbul Bilgi University June 2001, May 2002, October 2004, at Nesin Publishing House since December 2007.
[4] Matematik ve Sonsuz (Mathematics and Infinity), İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları, 2001. (Several printings since then. Now at the Nesin Publishing House).
[5] Matematik ve Develerle Eşekler (Mathematics and Camels and Donkeys), İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları, 2002. (Several printings since then. Now at the Nesin Publishing House).
[6] Matematik ve Gerçek (Mathematics and Truth), Nesin Publishing House, February 2009. (Several printings since then.)
[7] Matematik Canavarı (Monster of Mathematics), Nesin Publishing House, February 2010. Second edition 2010. (Several printings since then.)
[8] Matematik ve Sanat (Mathematics and Arts), Nesin Publishing House, December 2012.
[9] Matematikçi Portreleri (Portraits of Mathematicians) (with Ali Törün), Nesin Publishing House, September 2013.

Transliteration from the Arabic Alphabet
[1] (with Sabri Koz etal) Mum Hala I, Aziz Nesin’s diary (1951-1971). Adam Publishing House 2002. Now at the Nesin Publishing House.
[2] (with Nurcan Boşdurmaz) Birlikte Yaşadıklarım Birlikte Öldüklerim, Aziz Nesin’s recollections about his contemporaries, Nesin Publishing House 2006.
[3] (with Tülay Dikenoğlu etal) Mum Hala II, Aziz Nesin’s diary. Nesin Publishing House 2010.

Edited Mathematical Books
[1] Nazif Tepedelenlioğlu, Kim Korkar Matematikten, Nesin Publishing House 2007.
[2] Bekir Gür, Matematik Belası Üzerine, Nesin Publishing House 2011.
[3] Ali Yalman ve Gamze Özlem Demirkol, Şehrazat’ın 101 Oyunu, Cilt I, Nesin Publishing House 2012.
[4] Ali Yalman ve Gamze Özlem Demirkol, Şehrazat’ın 101 Oyunu, Cilt II, Nesin Publishing House 2012.
[5] Tosun Terzioğlu, Bir Analizcinin Defterinden Seçtikleri, Nesin Publishing House 2013.

Popular Mathematical Articles in Periodicals
[1] 21 expository (popular) articles about different mathematical subjects published from Dec. 1986 to Sept. 1988 in Bilim ve Sanat “Science and Art”.
[2] Several articles on popular mathematics in Matematik Dünyası (The World of Mathematics), a Turkish journal of mathematics for high school students 1992-95.
[3] Monthly articles on popular mathematics in Bilim ve Ütopya (Science and Utopia), weekly complement to the Turkish newspaper Aydınlık, later an independent monthly journal 1994-2003.
[4] Monthly popular mathematical articles in Bilim ve Gelecek (Science and Future). 2003-today.
[5] Several popular and less popular mathematical articles in Matematik Dünyası (The World of Mathematics, trimensual). 2003 January-today.
[6] Popular mathematical articles in NTV Bilim (monthly). 2010.

Books In Preparation
[1] Sayıların İnşası (construction of numbers).
[2] Aksiyomatik Kümeler Kuramı (axiomatic set theory).
[3] Analiz III (derivation and integral).
[4] Çizgeler Kuramı (graph theory), in preparation with Salih Durhan and other coauthors.
[8] Cebir (algebra), several volumes, in preparation.

Mathematical Research Articles
[1] Definable subgroups of the product of two groups, Illinois J. of Mathematics 3 (1986) 317–319.
[2] Solvable groups of finite Morley rank, J. of Algebra 121 (1989) 26–39.
[3] Non-solvable groups of finite Morley rank, J. of Algebra 124 (1989) 199–218.
[4] Non-associative rings of finite Morley rank, in Model Theory of Groups, Proc. of the Notre Dame Logic Year, Notre Dame Math. Lectures 11 (1989) 117–137.
[5] Groups of finite Morley rank with transitive automorphism group, J. of Symbolic Logic 54 (1989) 1080–1082.
[6] (with A. Pillay) Open subgroups of p-adic groups, in The Proceedings of the 7th Eastern Conference on Model Theory, Wendisch-Rietz, Ed. B. Dahn and H. Wolter, (1989) 177–185.
[7] (with K. Enochs) On 2-step solvable groups of finite Morley rank, Proceedings of the AMS 10 (1990) 479–489.
[8] On sharply n-transitive superstable permutation groups, J. of Pure and Applied Algebra69 (1990) 73–88.
[9] On split BN-pairs of rank 1, Compositio Mathematica 76 (1990) 407–421.
[10] On solvable groups of finite Morley rank, Transactions of the AMS 321 (1990) 659–690.
[11] (with A. Pillay and V. Razenj) Groups of dimension 2 and 3 over o-minimal structures, Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 53 (1991) 279–296.
[12] (with A. Pillay) Some model theory of compact Lie groups, Transactions of the AMS 326 (1991) 453–463.
[13] Poly-separated and -stable nilpotent groups, J. of Symbolic Logic 56 (1991) 694–699.
[14] (with G. Cherlin, T. Grundhöfer and H. Völklein) Sharply transitive groups over algebraically closed fields, Proceedings of the AMS. 111 (1991) 541–550.
[15] On bad groups, bad fields and pseudoplanes, J. of Symbolic Logic 56 (1991) 915–931.
[16] Generalized Fitting subgroup of a group of finite Morley rank, J. Symbolic Logic 56 (1991) 1391–1399.
[17] Notes on sharply 2-transitive groups, Doğa, The Turkish J. of Mathematics 16 (1992) 39–54.
[18] (with A.V. Borovik) On the Schur-Zassenhaus theorem for groups of finite Morley rank, J. of SymbolicLogic 57 (1992) 1469-1477.
[19] On planar sharply 2-transitive groups, Doğa, The Turkish J. of Mathematics 16 (1992) 151–158.
[20] (with F. Delahan) Sharply 2-transitive groups revisited, Doğa, Turkish J. of Math. 17 (1993) 70–83.
[21] (with M.K. Davis) On Solvable Centerless Groups of Morley Rank 3, J. Symbolic Logic 58 (1993) 546–556.
[22] (with A.V. Borovik and M.J. DeBonis) On a class of doubly transitive -stable groups, J. of Algebra 165 (1994) 245–257.
[23] (with A.V. Borovik and M.J. DeBonis) CIT groups of finite Morley rank (I), J. of Algebra 165 (1994) 258–272.
[24] (with A.V. Borovik) CIT groups of finite Morley rank (II), J. of Algebra 165 (1994) 273–294.
[25] (with M.J. DeBonis) On split Zassenhaus groups of mixed characteristic and of finite Morley rank, J. of London Math. Soc. (2) 50 (1994) 430–439.
[26] (with M.J. DeBonis) CN-groups of finite Morley rank, J. of London Math. Soc. (2) 50 (1994) 532–546.
[27] On Frobenius groups of finite Morley rank (I), in Automorphisms of First-Order Structures, ed. R. Kaye and D. Macpherson, Oxford University Press, 1994, 325–339. (Refereed research paper).
[28] (with D. Epstein) On Frobenius groups of finite Morley rank (II), in Automorphisms of First-Order Structures, ed. R. Kaye and D. Macpherson, Oxford University Press, 1994, 341–350. (Refereed research paper).
[29] (with A.V. Borovik) Schur-Zassenhaus theorem revisited, J. SymbolicLogic 59 (1994) 283–291.
[30] (with F. Delahan) On Zassenhaus groups of finite Morley rank, Communications in Algebra 23 (1995), no. 2, 445-466.
[31] (with T. Altınel, G. Cherlin and L. J. Corredor) A Hall theorem for -stable groups, J. London Math. Society 57 (1998) 385-397.
[32] Permutation groups of finite Morley rank, in Proceedings of RIMS Symposium on Metamathematics and Its Applications, July 31–August 3, 1995, Kyoto Umiversity, Japan, RIMS Kokyuroku Series.
[33] (with M. J. DeBonis) There are 2o almost strongly minimal generalized n-gons that do not interpret an infinite group, Journal of Symbolic Logic, vol. 63, number 2, 1998.
[34] (with F. Delahan) On Nonsimple Split Doubly Transitive Groups of Finite Morley Rank. Preprint, 1998.
[35] (with M. K. Davis) Free Suzuki 2-Groups of Finite Morley Rank, J. of Group Theory 6 (2003) 229-243.
[36] (with A.V. Borovik and J. Burdges) Uniqueness Cases in Odd-Type Groups of Finite Morley Rank, Revisited, J. of London Mathematical Society (2) 77 (2008) 240-252. http://arxiv.org/abs/0711.4167, arXiv:0711.4167v1
[37] (with A.V. Borovik and J. Burdges) Uniqueness Cases in Odd-Type Groups of Finite Morley Rank, 2011. http://arxiv.org/abs/1111.7187, arXiv:1111.7187v1

Other Mathematics Related Articles
[1] (with Kürşat Aker and Arif Mardin) Feza Gürsey Institute on Fundamental Sciences, Newsletter of European Mathematical Society 43-45. http://www.ems-ph.org/journals/newsletter/pdf/2011-12-82.pdf
[2] Simple Memories from a Simple Mathematics Lecturer, International Congress of Mathematicians – ICM 2018, Sociedade Brasileira de Mathemática and International Mathematical Union, 2018.


Non-mathematical Books
[1] Correspondence with Aziz Nesin and Ali Nesin, (4 volumes) Düşün Publishing House, 1993. Several printings at Adam Publishing House in 2 volumes since then. Now at Nesin Publishing House.
[2] Gömüyü Arayan Adam, a biography of Aziz Nesin, Sel Publishing House 1998, Nesin Publishing House 2012.

Translated Children’s Books
[1] Anonymous, Paris’te, Nesin Publishing House 2011. Translated from French.
[2] Odile Kayser and Marc Buleon, Ateşin Dereyi Kurtardığı Gece, Nesin Publishing House 2011. Translated from French.
[3] C. Beigel and H. Le Goff, Hep Hayır Diyen Aslan, Nesin Publishing House 2012. Translated from French.
[4] Odile Kayser, Bala’nın Mektubu, Nesin Publishing House 2013. Translated from French.
[5] Nadine Brun-Cosme and Olivier Tallec, Grand Loup & Petit Loup, Nesin Publishing House 2018 (to be published). Translated from French.
[6] Nadine Brun-Cosme and Olivier Tallec, Grand Loup & Petit Loup, La petite feuille qui ne tombait pas, Nesin Publishing House 2018 (to be published). Translated from French.
[7] Nadine Brun-Cosme and Olivier Tallec, Grand Loup & Petit Loup, Une si belle orange, Nesin Publishing House 2018 (to be published). Translated from French.

Edited Non-Mathematical Books
[1] Böyle Gelmiş Böyle Gitmez III, third volume of Aziz Nesin’s autobiography, Adam Publishing House 1996.
[2] Gözünüz Aydın Efendim, short stories by Aziz Nesin. Adam Publishing House 1998, Nesin Publishing House 2005.
[3] Bir Vicdan Davası by Aziz Nesin, Adam Publishing House 1998.
[4] Türkiye Şarkısı Nâzım by Aziz Nesin, biography of Nâzım Hikmet, Adam Publishing House 1998. Now at the Nesin Publishing House.
[5] Okuduğum Kitaplar (Books That I Have Read) by Aziz Nesin, Adam Publishing House 2002. Now at the Nesin Publishing House.
[6] Herkesin İşi Gücü Var, short stories by Aziz Nesin, Nesin Publishing House 2005.

Nonmathematical Articles
[1] Weekly columns on politics and arts at Siyah Beyaz, a newspaper, from May 1st 1996 to 1998.
[2] Articles on art in Esmer, a monthly news magasine. 2004-2005.

Painting Exhibitions
[1999 June-July] Personal Exhibition at Kuydaş Art Galery, Kuşadası – İzmir.
[2000 August] Exhibition with Nurten Sözeri and Poyraz Topal at the Galeri Rengigül, Bozcaada – Çanakkale.
[2000 September] Exhibition with Nurten Sözeri, Emre Zeytinoğlu and Müşerref Zeytinoğlu at the State Academy of Art at Şanlıurfa.
[2001 March] Personal Exhibition of Women Portraits at the First Istanbul Women’s Biennial. Istanbul Tuyap Exhibition Hall, Istanbul.
[2003, June] Personal Exhibition of Nu’s at the Asmalımesçit Balıkçısı, Istanbul.
[2007, June] Personal Exhibition of Nu’s at the Galeri Rengigül, Bozcaada – Çanakkale.
[2007, December] Personal Exhibition of Nu’s at the Asmalımesçit Balıkçısı, Istanbul.
[2009, April] Personal Exhibition of Nu’s, Batıbirlik Sanat Galerisi, Ankara.

Illustrated Books
2007. Aşk Şiirleri (Love Poems) by Aziz Nesin, Nesin Publishing House.


28 March
12:00 pm - 2:30 pm
Event Category: